Gute Gründe, Patchwork und Strick-Kurse zu nehmen:
-Weil eine kreative Arbeit gut für meine Seele ist.
-Weil der Umgang mit schönen Materialien, der Prozess des Gestaltens und neuen Kombinierens von ungewohnten Stoffen und neuen Mustern, das Patchen/Stricken Freude macht, zur Entspannung führen kann und neue Energie für den Alltag freisetzt.
- weil ich dabei mit gleichgesinnten Menschen und von ihnen lernen kann und wir uns austauschen und inspirieren können.
-Weil ein gelungenes und fertiggestelltes Werk das Selbstwertgefühl hebt.
Was meinst Du dazu?
Something to muse about:
Why taking patchwork classes (and I add knitting classes,too)?
- because getting creative is good for your soul.
- because dealing with beautiful fabrics and yarns, the process of creating, the combining of unfamiliar materials and fabrics will be something you can deeply enjoy.
-because sewing/knitting is fun, will relax you and will help you to set free a lot of new energy for your everyday life.
- because we gather in communities where we find kindred spirits, where we learn from each other, share ideas and and get inspired.
-because a finished object will lift your spirits and your self esteem.
What is it for you?
Great post! What is it for me? a chance to create...challenge myself to struggle,learn,accomplish...time to myself...pride in my work...sharing with others...fills my soul...Have a great weekend!
For me, it is an appointment to sew. (or a chance to learn a new technique - more often though, I have taken a class in a technique that I knew, just so I could have a block of time in which I could sew.)
What does
"Was Kooks Do" Mean? (Sorry if I spelled that completely incorrectly.)
I just like being productive. I like making things out of string and salvaging scraps to make into something useful. I like biding my time in a constructive way. For me, it's not much about beauty at all--it's about thrift and cleverness and using my hands and brain.
fantastic quilt!
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